


2024/09/07 - 2024/09/29

NEW 開催中

西新宿のヒルトン東京 地下1階に位置するフジギャラリー新宿では、2024年9月7日(土)より9月29日(日)まで、島田由子による「墨から墨まで」展を開催いたします。





Fuji Gallery Shinjuku, located on the basement floor of the Hilton Tokyo in Nishi-Shinjuku, will host (Ms.) Yoshiko Shimada’s solo exhibition entitled “From Sumi to Sumi” (`Sumi` meaning Japanese calligraphy ink) from Saturday 7th September until Sunday 29th September 2024.

Yoshiko Shimada is a Fusuma artist. (`Fusuma` meaning a sliding wooden door covered with Japanese paper). She majored in Japanese painting at Kanazawa College of Art, then worked at a design company and in the art department of a theatre company, and is now an artist working mainly on Fusuma-e (sliding door paintings). Encountering the mineral pigments used for preliminary sketches at her mother’s family home, which was a Nishijin-ori weaving workshop in Kyoto and then frequently visiting the Kaga Yuzen dyeing workshop run by her relatives in Kanazawa, where she spent much time from her later elementary school years, naturally led her to pursue the path of Japanese painting. Even though she relocated to the Kanto region a long time ago, the beautiful and delicate details of Kanazawa’s nature, as well as the traditional culture that thrives in Kanazawa’s streets, continue to have a significant impact on her Fusuma (sliding door) paintings.

As a Fusuma artist, she maximizes the charm of materials such as Sumi, mineral pigments, mica, and metal foil on Echizen washi paper, leaving tense blank spaces and drawing with flowing lines, often with the theme of flowers and plants. However, in this exhibition, she chooses Sumi as a theme. Since ancient times, it has been said that “Sumi contains five colors”, emphasizing the rich expressions of Sumi.  She will be presenting Sumi works proudly composed with stroking lines that have long captivated her while cherishing the accidental expressions of “bleeding,” “scraping,” and “pooling” of Sumi.

Please come and visit us.






襖絵師 島田由子


<From Sumi to Sumi>

Sumi, which is essential for the creation of hand-painted fusuma, has always been my most important partner (material) in adjusting the color expression of pigments throughout my artistic process.

This time, we will be exhibiting works mainly focused on Sumi.
There is no limit to the expressive power of Sumi, whether modest, bold, or flamboyant. While it is impossible to capture every nuance, each subtle expression born from my daily creation is dear to me. This is my “from edge to edge with ink”.

I would be happy if you would view my work.

Fusuma Artist, Yoshiko Shimada



1983 金沢市立金沢美術工芸大学日本画専攻卒
1988〜2019 襖加工会社にて手描絵柄およびデザイン担当
1991〜2005 元日本南画院理事である一色春輝先生に師事
1998 「襖絵師 島田由子」として屋号取得

2009 石川国際交流サロン「島田由子の空間」
2015 千葉銀ひまわりギャラリー「島田由子展」
2019 フィンランド 「日フィン友好100年」招聘
2022 フジギャラリー新宿「墨おどり箔うたう」
2020〜アートラインかしわ「共晶点」      ほか

2007 個人住宅の襖および屏風制作を始める
2011 マチデザイン 横浜の家 安曇野の家 襖絵
2011  金沢文庫正法院 天井画
2012  徳樹庵  障壁画
2012  K邸軽井沢山荘  襖絵
2013  NY「MIYA SHYOUJI」 海外邸宅の襖絵
2013 草津 ホテル櫻井  屏風
2015 藤本信賢徳研究所 豊中の家 襖絵
2016 京の宿・優り草  襖絵
2016 表参道・茶茶の間  障壁画
2020 目黒アパート 襖絵
2021 ロイヤルレジデンス川島弐号館 館内襖掛絵
2023 水戸メディカルセンター エントランスホール襖掛絵
2023 八戸 麻美クリニック 天井画
2023 柏 文菜華  襖掛絵                      ほか

Born in Hyogo Prefecture, currently lives in Chiba Prefecture
1983 Graduated from Kanazawa College of Art, majoring in Japanese painting
1988-2019 In charge of hand-painted patterns and design at a fusuma (sliding door) processing company
1991-2005 Studied under Haruki Isshiki , former director of the Japan Nanga(literati painting)Academy.
1998 Acquired the trade name “Yuko Shimada, Fusuma artist”.Hand-painted Fusuma paintings, folding screens, sliding door hangings and partition wall paintings on order, as well as holding exhibitions of her work.

2009  “Yuko Shimada’s Space” Ishikawa International Exchange Salon, Ishikawa Pref.
2015  “Yuko Shimada Exhibition “Hiba Bank’s Himawari Gallery, Chhba Pref.
2019   Invited to Finland for the “100th Anniversary of Japan-Finland Friendship”
            Exhibition “Fusuma, Folding Fans, Sumi” at Savonlinna City Museum, Finland
            Sumi workshop at Savonlinna City Art High School, Finland
2022  “Sumi Dances, Metal Leaf Sings” Fuji Gallery Shinjuku, Tokyo
2020~”Eutectic Point” Art Line Kashiwa, Chiba Pref. etc.

<Past Case Studies>
2007   Started making Fusuma (sliding doors) and Byobu (folding screens) for private residences
2011 Yokohama House, Kanagawa Pref. & Azumino House, Nagano Pref. by an architectural firm Matidesign – Fusuma painting
2011 Shohoin, Temple in Kanazawa-bunko, Kanagawa Pref. – ceiling painting
2012 Tokuju-an, a Japanese restaurant, Saitama Pref. – partition wall painting
2012 K’s Residence Karuizawa Villa, Nagano Pref, – Fusuma painting
2013 Private residence in NY – Fusuma painting “MIYA SHOJI”
2013 Sakurai Hotel Kusatsu, Gunma Pref. – folding screen
2015 House in Toyonaka, Osaka by Shin Nobumoto Architectural Lab. – Fusuma painting
2016 Masarigusa, Holiday House in Kyoto – Fusuma painting
2016 Cha-cha-no-Ma Omotesando,  a tea lounge in Tokyo – Fusuma painting
2020 Meguro Apartment, Tokyo – Fusuma painting
2021 Royal Residence Kawashima II, Tokyo – Fusuma hangings
2023 Entrance Hall, Mito Medical Center, Ibaraki Pref. – Fusuma hangings
2023 Asami Clinic, Hachinohe, Aomori Pref. – ceiling painting
2023 Bunsaika Kashiwa, a Chinese restaurant – Fusuma hangings, etc.


(東京都新宿区西新宿6-6-2 ヒルトン東京 地下1階 ヒルトピアショッピングアーケード内)


会期2024/09/07(Sat)- 2024/09/29(Sun)
開館時間 ・休館日開廊時間:10:00〜18:00
休廊日 :月曜日、金曜日

