

Site Policy

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The rights related to all the contents including the images, illustrations, videos and documentations disclosed on this website (collectively, “Contents”) pertain to the The Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for Hsitory and Culture, which operates the Tokyo Art Navigation or to the authors. Personal reproduction of the Contents beyond the scope permitted by applicable laws is prohibited.
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  1. The Foundation conducts thorough review and checking before publishing information on this website, but does not warrant the accuracy, utility, certainty, security and fitness to special purpose of the contents at all. The Foundation shall not be liable for any damage arising out of or in connection with the use of the Contents and services of this website.
    The affiliations, titles, and other information of individuals in the articles are current at the time of publication on the website.
  2. The Foundation may change or discontinue the structure, terms of use, URL and the Contents of this website without prior notice, or may suspend or discontinue the operation of this website without prior notice. In no event the Foundation shall be liable for any damage caused due to such change, suspension or discontinuation of the operation of this website.
  3. The contents of third parties’ websites linked from or to this website (“Linked Websites”) are administered at the responsibility of their respective websites, i.e. they are not under administration by the Foundation. It does not mean that Linked Websites have special relationship including association between this website and Linked Websites. The Foundation shall not be liable for any damage caused due to use of Linked Websites.